Statewide CHSAA Individual Ranking as of 1/4/19









Michael Adams
Msgr Farrell - Fr

Mick Brown
St. Anthony’s - Fr

James Martin
Chaminade - Fr

Ryan O’Rourke
Chaminade - Fr

Devon Diaco
Xavier - So

Aidan McAlister
Fordham Prep - So


Sean Flick
St. Anthony’s-Jr

Jordan Wellington
St. Anthony’s - Sr

Danny Knoblauch
Kellenberg - Jr

Nick Rizzo
Iona Prep - Jr

Julian Reynoso
St. Joe’s Coll. - So

Joe Edleman
Chaminade - Fr


Terry Adams
Msgr Farrell - Sr

Logan Lauck
St. Francis - Sr

Ryan Napodano
St..Anthony’s - Fr

Chris Dwyer
Iona Prep - So

Brendan Coleman
St. Joe’s  Sea - So

Sal Spillane
Fordham Prep - Fr


Mike Sanfillipo
Chaminade - So

Dan Adams
Msgr Farrell - Jr

Izac Garcia
St. John’s - Jr

Josh Kracker
Canisius - Sr

Edwin Meningbas
Fordham Prep - Sr

Tommy Straehle
Iona Prep - Jr


James Ryan
Msgr Farrell - Sr

Mike Semeraro
Chaminade - Jr

Rocco Demartino
Chaminade - So

Frank Gioia
Msgr Farrell - So

Nick Mecca
Canisius - Sr

Jack Durso
Xavier - So


Preston Maucere
St. Anthony’s - Sr

Brendan Sowerby
Fordham Prep - Sr

John Boccardo
Chaminade - Sr

Keith Sherry
Kellenberg - Jr

John Blaise
Msgr Farrell -  Jr

Will Dean
Chaminade - Jr


Joe Vacca
St. John’s - Sr

John Baloga
St. Anthony’s - Sr

Tommy Szilagyi
St. Anthony’s - Jr

Tommy Lotito
St. Anthony’s - Sr

Slade Merk
St. Francis - Sr

Davis Luckner
Chaminade - So


Christian Hansen
St. Anthony’s - So

AJ Kovacs
Iona Prep - Jr

Ben Parish
St. Joe’s Coll. - Jr

Mike Petruzzi
Msgr Farrell - So

Ken Kroez
Holy Trinity - Jr

Joey Nicotra
Chaminade - So


Joe Schultz
St. Anthony’s - Sr

Conor Lane
Iona Prep - Sr

Ryan Siller
Msgr Farrell - Jr

Matt Baldwin
Canisius - Jr

Bryan Kuprian
St. John’s - Sr

Dan Browning
St. Francis - Sr


Tyler Podolsky
St. Anthony’s - Sr

Doug  Stern
Chaminade - Jr

Nick Emer
Fordham Prep - Sr

Mike Demicco
Kellenberg - Sr

Greg Link
St. John’s - Sr

Tom Burns
St. Joe’s Coll - Jr


Andrew Cascio
Kellenberg - Sr

Sullivan Walsh
St. Joe’s Coll. - Sr

Thomas Blackwell
Canisius - Sr

James Russo
Holy Trinity - Jr

Cooper Burns
Fordham Prep - Sr

Ryan Bihasa
Chaminade - Sr


Dominick Thomas
St. Francis - Sr

Jake Tutuska
St. Anthony’s -Jr

Mike Jensen
Kellenberg - Sr

Domenick Garcia
Msgr Farrell - So

GianCarlo Taoromina
Fordham Prep - Sr

Nick Calbo
Iona Prep - Sr


Nolan Thomas
St. Francis - Sr

Christian Taylor
St. Anthony’s - Jr

Matt Werts
St. Joe’s Coll. - Sr

George Speres
Fordham Prep - Sr

Nick Tidusco
Chaminade - So

James Waterson
Kellenberg - Jr


Matt Kelly
Iona Prep - Jr

Matt Dahill
St. Anthony’s - So

Kyle Moran    Chaminade - Sr

Max Moeller
Iona Prep - Sr

Louis Moore
Chaminade - Jr

Bashiri Clark-Cain
Holy Trinity - So


Jimaar  Edwards
Iona Prep - Jr

Caleb Lesswing
St. Joe’s Coll. - Jr

Alex Vassilou
St. Peter’s - Sr

Dom Scafuri
Msgr Farrell - Jr

Alex Garbowski
Stepinac - So

David Mollon
Chaminade - Sr

These are to help facilitate discussions. Adjustments will be made as the season progresses. 

REMEMBER: Rankings are only for fun. Matches are won and lost on the mat!!