Long Island Wrestling Association


Donate to Support
the LIWA


Association Office
117 Dale Dr
Oakdale, NY 11769

Steve Meehan
stevemeehan0809 @ gmail.com


  NYSPHSAA Wrestling Championship Placewinners

Section School Year Division Place Wgt Name Grade
7 Beekmantown 1978 1 2 250 Al Lavigne Fr.
7 Peru 1975 1 2 167 Len Gadway
7 Peru 1979 1 2 250 Dana Dobson Sr.
7 Peru 1984 1 2 145 John Barrett Sr.
7 Peru 1987 1 2 155 John Lamar Sr.
7 Peru 1989 1 2 250 Jeff Way Sr.
7 Peru 1991 1 2 132 Shawn Edwards Sr.
7 Peru 1992 1 2 119 Rob Bashaw Sr.
7 Peru 1997 1 2 135 Ron Douglas Sr.
7 Saranac 1994 1 2 177 Seth Charles Jr.
7 Saranac 2000 1 2 160 Mike Douglas Sr.